Linggo, Abril 21, 2013



Welcome to my world of word! Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you will learn something  about the action of hormones produced by  
Adrenal cortex. 


What comes out in your mind, when you hear the word HORMONE ?
 Many scientist,doctors,professors,journals,magazines,and internet have different ways to define hormones.After reading some of  their definition I made a conclusion based on their ideas that "hormones are chemical messengers that are released from different organs and travel to different cells or tissues to maintain  homeostasis".

Adrenal cortex have 3 main hormones the Mineralocorticoids,
Glucocorticoids and Androgens.

What are there mechanism of action?
Lets discussed them one by one....

Mineralocorticoids are hormones released by zona glomerulosa that are responsible in regulating mineral homeostasis (Na and K) and body fluid. The kidney is the responsible organ in maintaining this homeostasis.
ALDOSTERONE is the major mineralocorticoids that regulate the increase of sodium(an extracellular cation)to be reabsorbed in bloodstream and decrease the excretion in urine.In contrast, potassium increase the excretion in urine.Aldosterone also reabsorbed water along with sodium, this increase the blood volume and blood pressure. Lower blood pressure released the protein RENIN from kidney that acts as an enzyme that release angiotensin II, that stimulates aldosterone secretion.

 Normal Values:
 Aldosterone in blood

Standing or sitting down5–80 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or 0.14–2.22 nmol/L4–48 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or 0.11–1.33 nmol/L7–30 ng/dL or 0.19–0.83 nmol/L
Lying down3–35 mg/dL or 0.08–0.97 nmol/L2–22 ng/dL or 0.06–0.61 nmol/L3–16 ng/dL or 0.08–0.44 nmol/L

Diuretic drugs that antagonize the action of ALDOSTERONE.
  • Spironolactone-brand name Aldactone
  • Eplerenone - under the trade name Inspra
  • Canrenone (canrenoate potassium)
  • Prorenone (prorenoate potassium)
  • Mexrenone (mexrenoate potassium)

Glucocorticoids are hormones released by zona fasiculata that are responsible in blood nutrient levels in the body. Glucocorticoids aside from insulin and glucagon that are release by pancreas, also regulate the blood glucose level. 
CORTISOL is the major glucocorticoids that increase the breakdown of Fats that convert into energy, and inhibits protein synthesis and inhibits immunological response. It also regulate the fatal lung development and production of surfactant for lung function.
Cortisone is another hormone related to Cortisol that responsible to reduce the allergic reaction and inflammation such as arthritis, dermatitis and autoimmune disease.

The secretion of cortisol increase when there is a decline in blood glucose level.Because low blood glucose increase the secretion of Adrenocorticotropic hormone, which stimulates cortisol secretion.
Did you know that the production of Cortisol level follow the circadian rhythm, The  level peaks every morning(8 am) and reach its lowest level about midnight (4 am).

Normal Values:
Adult/Child Morning5–23 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL) or 138–635 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L)
Afternoon3–16 mcg/dL or 83–441 nmol/L
Newborn2–11 mcg/dL or 55–304

Drugs that reduce CORTISOL level.
  • Lysodren
  • Metyrapone
  • Ketoconazole

Androgens are the third hormone that is released by zona reticularis,The most common hormone that released by androgen is the TESTOSTERONE its action according to (R.Samuel McLaughlin of University of Ottawa) "Testosterone levels facilitate spermatogenesis and promote the maturation of sperm, influence sexual desire and related behaviours,  stimulate metabolic processes such as protein synthesis and muscle growth, facilitate the development of male secondary sexual characteristics such as bone mass, musculature, fat distribution, and hair patterns, and aid in the maintenance of the male reproductive tract"
 It also influence female sex behavior that promote libido that converted into estrogen.The major androgen secreted by adrenal gland is the Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)this is the most abundant and potent androgen, also responsible for biosynthesis of androgen and estrogen sex hormone.

 Normal Values:
  • Male: 300 -1,000 ng/dL
  • Female: 15 - 70 ng/dL

Some commonly used ANDROGEN drugs.
  • Fluoxymesterone
  • Methyltestosterone
  • Testosterone 

Related videos:(Videos credit from YouTube)

Tortora Principles of Anatomy and physiology 13th edition 
Seeley's Principles of Anatomy and Physiology


(N.B For more information just click the hyperlink references)

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